Talk to Amanda | New Year Relationship Problems?
Are you experiencing relationship problems in the new year? Get advice and counselling in Exeter and London with Amanda Farrington.
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03 Jan New Year Relationship Problems?

Sadly it’s a well-known fact that divorce solicitors are at their busiest in January.  The holiday period is a time of celebration and excitement but can also put relationships under pressure – trying to make everything perfect can often put into greater focus parts of our lives which are not as we would like them to be. Financial worries can be a big concern.  Similarly, unfaithfulness can peak at this time of year too with the added temptation of office parties etc. sometimes with alcohol as a dis-inhibitor playing its part.

The New Year is often a time of reflection about the past, present and future.  If you have been through a difficult holiday period – why not think about going to see a therapist rather than a solicitor? Or perhaps you have broken up from a relationship and are feeling hurt and are struggling to come to terms with what’s happened? Unanswered questions and feelings can swirl around playing havoc with your internal world.

What you may be unaware of is that we all have patterns in relationships that we go for…so the grass being green on the other side adage may well be an illusion. The same tricky and difficult traits may well exists in the roots of the new relationship as well as in the old one, and surface again in time. So before committing to any drastic breakup, try and talk to someone professionally trained in this way with a confidential and impartial ear to try and make sense of what is going on.


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